A higher ed. institution’s guide to hosting a dynamic virtual open house.

Higher ed. marketers, faculty and recruitment officers have had to embrace videoconferencing from everything from classes to international student recruitment fairs.

One activity that’s been significantly impacted is the university or college open house. Typically, this in-person event is your best chance for giving prospective students (and their parents) a sense of your school and campus. It’s a critical point of contact when engaging prospective students. The good news is online open houses can be just as effective as in-person events – so long as you know what it takes.

In this virtual open house white paper, you’ll learn:

  • The do’s and don’ts for producing your own college of university virtual open house.
  • The key ingredient that’s essential for a great in-person open house experience works for online, too, and it’s more important than ever for engaging your prospects virtually.
  • Insight into what both students and parents seek in an open house visit, and how to ensure your online version continues to deliver.

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Cancelled. The one word we’ve heard one too many times since the pandemic began that has left us doubled-over, empty-handed. In the higher education space, we’ve watched as everything from orientation to graduation has suffered the same fate, leaving students feeling jilted at the altar and administrators scrambling for some kind of worthy alternative. We’ve seen institutions pivot from in-person classes, social clubs turn into Zoom parties, and even research labs go digital. Such audacious adaptability has been necessary for the continuity of quality education and the higher ed. experience as a whole. Existing students are not getting the experience they signed up for, but hey, they’re making lemonade out of lemons, aren’t they? Well, what about new and prospective students? Who has thought about them? With the normally in-person open houses and campus tours being put on hold for now, how are prospective students and their families supposed to get a true, boots-on-the-ground feel for what it’s really like to attend your institution? Before you give in to despair wondering how on earth you’re going to pull this rabbit out of your hat, know that there really is a worthy alternative that doesn’t come with the logistical gymnastics of social distancing. Of course, we’re talking about a virtual open house. But this isn’t a bland PowerPoint and stale Q&A session where people sign off prematurely out of boredom. Now is your chance to make a lasting impression and wow your prospects with the best virtual open house they’ve ever (virtually) walked through. Here’s how.

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