Quiz: Is your higher ed. public relations story newsworthy?

Do you have a buzzworthy story you think will earn media attention in your higher ed. institution’s next media relations campaign?

…are you sure?

Sometimes newsworthy stories aren’t fit for the news media after all and are better suited for paid, owned or social media opportunities. Knowing the difference between what’s bound to be big news or viral Twitter fodder saves your team from misguided efforts. 

Take our quiz to determine if your story is apt to attract broader earned news media — or if it will be better off as part of a paid, owned or social media strategy.

Is your higher ed. public relations story newsworthy?

When you’re planning a higher ed. media relations campaign, it’s a good idea to evaluate whether you actually have a newsworthy story on your hands. ED’s PR team has put together this quick and easy quiz to help you determine whether your institution’s story is likely to earn media coverage for your college or university.
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