Category : Fundraising Strategy Communications

8 steps to structure your higher ed.’s case for support.

Writing your higher ed. institution’s case for support is a daunting but noble endeavor. The pressure to find the right words to garner sufficient support can be stifling.  To make your asking easier, let’s clear up a couple of things: Now that you’re thinking in the right direction, use our content outline to help you […]

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    Your guide to writing a great higher ed. case for support.
    Writing a case for support is hard. Securing support for your higher ed. institution’s needs depends on finding the right...
    July 13, 2021
    The one thing to remember when writing your higher education case for support.
    When you’re tasked with writing your higher education institution’s case for support, a blank page is daunting. There are millions of...
    June 26, 2020
    4 steps to develop a visually distinctive story for your higher ed. brand.
    Three students laughing while sitting under a tree. Drone footage of the sun setting on an iconic campus structure. A...
    October 29, 2021

    Why sharing alumni relationships is critical for your higher ed. fundraising and development efforts.

    There’s little that can be done at your institution without strong, mutually supportive relationships. Look to any productive academic department, research lab, or administrative office and you’ll find them. Fulfilling your institution’s strategic plan and realizing your institution’s missions depends on open lines of communication. However, concerns and hesitations can arise when it comes to […]

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      Every higher ed. marketing campaign is a fundraising opportunity in disguise. Here’s why.

      Recruitment and retention campaigns have certain audiences: Prospective students, staff, and current students. But do you know who else sees those messages? Current and prospective donors. Which means the messages you’re sending to students have the potential to resonate with your donors, too. And resonate they must, otherwise you miss out on countless opportunities to […]

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        Try a little tenderness: Craft your higher ed. marketing strategy with empathy for a COVID-scarred world.
        There’s nothing the pandemic hasn’t wrinkled in the higher ed. space, including how you approach your recruitment and retention strategies....
        March 15, 2022
        How a higher ed. agency can boost your internal marketing team.
        In recent years, many colleges and universities have embraced the move to create multi-disciplined in-house marketing teams.  The reasons vary:...
        July 20, 2020
        6 higher ed. trends that will shape marketing, recruitment and retention in 2022.
        A lot of things changed in higher ed. in 2021, thanks (or no thanks) to the pandemic.   As we...
        December 23, 2021

        Your guide to writing a great higher ed. case for support.

        Writing a case for support is hard. Securing support for your higher ed. institution’s needs depends on finding the right words to inspire and motivate the right people. And you aren’t only targeting major donors and alumni. You also need to authentically reflect opportunities for students, appeal to the priorities of members of the government, […]

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          The one thing to remember when writing your higher education case for support.
          When you’re tasked with writing your higher education institution’s case for support, a blank page is daunting. There are millions of...
          June 26, 2020
          A higher ed. institution's guide to hosting a dynamic virtual open house.
          Higher ed. marketers, faculty and recruitment officers have had to embrace videoconferencing from everything from classes to international student recruitment...
          January 11, 2021
          How higher ed. students’ media consumption has changed during the pandemic.
          The COVID-19 pandemic’s impact on higher ed. institutions has been severe. From adapting to remote learning, to complex reopening strategies...
          December 9, 2020

          Stop making students ask for money in your fundraising campaigns. Do this instead.

          There are many things that are better in theory than reality, like adding an extra shot of espresso to your coffee before your last meeting of the day. Or staying up late preparing for an important speech to stakeholders scheduled for early the next morning.  Add to the list: Leaning on your students to make […]

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            You need a hero: Storytelling subjects in your institution’s fundraising campaigns.
            When it comes to higher education fundraising initiatives, storytelling as a strategy is tried-and-true. You’ve probably been using it as...
            January 19, 2021
            Students are customers: why it’s time to give them more (than transcript) credit.
            Step foot onto campus, into a full lecture hall and you see them with their laptops open, fingers poised over...
            December 12, 2020
            If you want higher enrolment and lower drop-out rates, zero in on these students.
            This article is part of a series exploring how to leverage your brand to reach right-fit audiences. For more, read...
            March 23, 2021

            This time, it’s personal: Right-fit messaging for the higher ed. every-donor.

            Step outside your office and go for a walk on your campus. Observe the multifaceted makeup of your institution: Tenured professors, timid freshmen, stubborn fifth-year seniors. At one point you spoke to each of them in a targeted way to recruit them to join your institution.  Do you employ the same tactic to the multifaceted […]

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              A higher ed. institution's guide to hosting a dynamic virtual open house.
              Higher ed. marketers, faculty and recruitment officers have had to embrace videoconferencing from everything from classes to international student recruitment...
              January 11, 2021
              How higher ed. students’ media consumption has changed during the pandemic.
              The COVID-19 pandemic’s impact on higher ed. institutions has been severe. From adapting to remote learning, to complex reopening strategies...
              December 9, 2020
              How to nail your higher ed. institution’s next presidential transition.
              Every decade or so – give or take a few years – the president, chancellor or principal of your higher...
              April 14, 2021

              You need a hero: Storytelling subjects in your institution’s fundraising campaigns.

              When it comes to higher education fundraising initiatives, storytelling as a strategy is tried-and-true. You’ve probably been using it as a tactic to raise support for a while. But if you feel like your storytelling’s gone a little stale, sorry to say it probably has. Before you dive into (yet another) navel-gazing narrative revolving around […]

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                The one thing to remember when writing your higher education case for support.

                When you’re tasked with writing your higher education institution’s case for support, a blank page is daunting. There are millions of dollars (which really, is just a proxy for scholarships, research chairs, graduate student support and fellowships, new facilities and existing upgrades) riding on finding the right words. Your case needs to articulate a financial or […]

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                  Five emerging trends that will require higher education institutions to stay nimble in 2020.
                  If you live somewhere in North America, you’re now approaching your two-month anniversary of being in lockdown. And depending on...
                  April 22, 2020
                  Why higher ed. institutions struggle to stand apart (and why it matters now more than ever).
                  Think about your higher education institution for a moment, and ask yourself: what is it that’s really different about your...
                  May 15, 2020
                  How to get buy-in from students & alumni when you rebrand your higher ed. institution.
                  So, you think your school needs a new brand… Maybe your brand and visual identity feel outdated, or perhaps the...
                  April 7, 2020

                  How soliciting for donations right now could compromise your brand (and better ways to engage alumni in unprecedented times).

                  I’m on a WhatsApp chat with a good group of guys. We mostly share funny memes, release dates for new Jordans, and thoughts on whatever sporting event is live at that moment (which right now, is no sporting events). Occasionally, one of the members will share something that strikes them as particularly remarkable. And we’ll […]

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