9 Easy steps for building a foolproof social media strategy for a higher ed. president.

There’s huge value in a higher ed. President who can tell an entertaining and unique story about your campus on TikTok, Instagram or other platforms.

An authentic, lively social media presence goes a long way toward standing out to students, alumni, faculty and staff. And it also bolsters your reputation as both an institution and a leader with your finger on the pulse. After all, TikTok isn’t just for Gen Z!

So whether you’re an Instagram, twitter and TikTok veteran, or you’re a total newbie, we’ve got you covered with our battle-tested social media strategy guide, specifically designed for higher education institution presidents, chancellors and CEOs.

9 Easy steps for building a foolproof social media strategy for a higher ed. president

Whether you regularly tweet or you’re a total newbie, using a bespoke social media strategy will maximize your efforts.

We’ve got you covered with our battle-tested social media strategy guide, specifically designed for higher education institution presidents.
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